Monday, June 11, 2018

Bed Bath & Beyond


On this particular day, I had one of my early morning workouts which consisted of me consuming a fatty coffee as a prework out, and a protein shake and Consuelo's breakfast burrito (best effing breakfast burritos in town!) as my post-workout meal.  Needless to say, this combination, although delicious, caused some premature belly gurgling.

Sticking with my M-O, I did a quick Google search of department stores in the area.  Scrolling through the list I saw BB&B.  Decisively, I knew where I was going and added it to today's route around town. 

Image result for bed bath and beyond meme


Being a BB&B I was slightly hoping for a nicely scented restroom with plush towels and maybe even a bidet.  I'm sure you're as surprised as I am to find out that it didn't have any of that.

The first thing I noticed was how small the overall restroom was.  It did have two sitters (one ADA & one regular) and one urinal strategically placed in this tiny water closet.

I will say that the porcelain poo pools were pristine.  Although I typically prefer automated toilets, the handle on these was low enough to pull the foot maneuver.

As for the pleasant floral aroma (like you get walking into your girlfriend's bathroom for the first time), I was hoping for, it seemed to be lacking any sort of smell; good and bad.  To be honest, I'll take that over nasal penetrating stenches any day.

The floors had a few spots in the corners that looked like they've been missed during the nightly cleanings, however, as a whole, they were clean, dry, and didn't have any sticky spots.

Last but foremost, the toilet paper.  It was thin but fairly soft.  Not Charmin soft but better than the average commercial tp you get at most places.

Overall, 3 out of 5 rolls.  Would poop there again.

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