Wednesday, May 30, 2018



For the record, I do not enjoy dropping bombs in public places.  Despite what my blog topic might suggest, I don't actively seek out places around town just to leave my stink.  My personal preference is to have my business meetings at home.  So if I am settling for a place other than my abode, I genuinely have to go and don't have the luxury of driving home.


On this particular day, my schedule was slightly off for a number of reasons.  First being that I went camping in a secluded area and with that, I ate tons of processed foods which I typically avoid.  Second, I got up an hour earlier to do a morning workout which I would normally wait until the late-afternoon to do.  Another determinant was that I put MCT oil in my coffee that morning to supply me with a sustained energy source for my workout.  If you have ever taken a little too much MCT oil then you are most likely picking up what I'm laying down here.  Needless to say, there were a number of contributing factors at play on this day. 

I felt the bubbling mid-morning so I scheduled a stop along my route today at a retail store that I have been to once before but before I started this blog, however, I passed by JCPenny and immediately went through my mental checklist.  It unquestionably met my initial criteria for selecting an establishment. 


As I pulled up to the parking lot, I saw a few guys coming and going through the main entrance which made me slightly hesitant but also reinsured me that I wouldn't look out of place (Criteria #2).  Upon walking in I didn't see any male customers once so ever (Criteria #3)!  Also, the men's section was directly on the right when you first walk in and the restroom sign was planted directly in the back of the department!  All I had to do was causally walk through the section eyeing different merchandise to at least pretend like I was there to shop (which turned into actual shopping).

The actual restroom seemed clean at first glance and lacked any unwelcomed smells.  I was exceedingly impressed until I examined the toilets.  The urinals had yellow stains on the rims like someone had peed on a spoon.  One of the sitters (not a typo) had brown stains and looked like someone drizzled on the seat.  Luckily there were two stalls.  I chose the cleaner of the two and gave the seat a quick wipe with tp to make sure it was safe.  It checked out.

The tp was thinner and rougher than normal commercial paper but it was fully stocked.  Although the toilet didn't have an automated sensor, the handle was at foot level which is always nice (I know I'm not the only one who does this).   Another plus was that it had abundant flushing power.  As mentioned in a previous post, I consider substantial flushing power to be very important! Being alleviated any concerns of clogging is clutch!

Image result for clogging public toilet meme

The automated sinks had decent pressure albiet cold water flowed through the pipes.  One thing that I found odd about the facets was that the water shot out at a weird angle.   Its trajectory was as such that I had to be careful not to walk out of there looking like I peed my pants.  With all that said, I would have to say that the sinks we more than adequate.

Image result for you're not cool unless you pee your pants gif

On a final note, a huge plus in my book was that they supplied patrons with paper towels!  As I've mentioned before, I am not a fan of electric hand dryers.  Yes, they might be considered more "eco-friendly" however, I feel they are less effective and less efficient. 

Overall, I'd give them 3 of 5 rolls.  Would poop here again.

Friday, May 25, 2018



The gym I will be referencing today is a local one that only has one location.  With that said, since I workout at this institution regularly, I would prefer to not drop its name at this time.  If you've ever been to this particular fitness facility, then you will most likely be able to figure out very quickly which one I am talking about.

Gyms as a whole don't meet all my typical criteria when looking for a place to warm-up with a porcelain squat, however, when your pre-workout kicks in you don't have a choice sometimes.  It definitely beats the alternative.  

As I am describing this place, please note that the word "gym" is used loosely.  Yes, they have decent exercise equipment, a pool, sauna, a full-size basketball court, racquetball courts, and a small rock wall but I would say the majority of the people who attend this "gym" go to hang out with their friends and drink spirits. Or they tell their wife that they're going to workout, hit a set of bench press, and then spend the rest of the time doing beer curls.  No judgments.  Just sayin'.


The water closet is where you'd expect to find it at any health club; towards the back of the locker room.  I've been actively going to gyms for nearly a decade and have been in many men's locker rooms over the years.  They always have the occasional old guy walking around naked which is almost to almost be expected.  However, at this gym, there seems to be an abundance of naked older gentlemen walking around having full conversations with each other. 

Once you safely navigate through the dimly lit corridor, past all the lockers and old guys in their birthday suits, you will find a few stalls and a few urinals.  They are all kept very clean and are plentifully stocked with toilet paper.

The tp is the typical commercial kind you'd expect.  It's far from fancy but gets the job done.  And since this is a locker room, if the tp really isn't cutting it, you can always jump in the shower.  

As for the smell, it smells like every other guy's locker room across America.  It has the slight smell of body odor and deodorant.  It's not a bad smell but not a scent I'd buy in a Little Tree to hang from my rearview mirror.

The sinks have warm water, good pressure, and plenty of soap.  They are also kept very clean.  As mentioned before, I prefer paper towels over hand dryers so it's a huge plus for me that they have them.

My final thought is although this place doesn't meet Criteria #3 at all, there is something about knowing that we are all men in a testosterone filled environment actually makes it easier for me to release even though there are more people around then I would tend to prefer.  It's almost expected here verse other public places that give you the option but doesn't expect very many people to actually partake in the use of their facilities in this manner.

Overall I'd give it 4/5 rolls.  Would poop there again.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018



Today was a semi-planned event.  By mid to late morning I could feel my coffee from earlier brewing so I figured today was a good day for my next blog post, however, I needed to find a decent place that met my criteria.

The general guidelines I use when selecting a place to make a deposit usually include places that seem like they'd have a clean bathroom, that it doesn't look too out of place for me to be there, and that wouldn't seem like a place that has as many male customers.  Kohl's check every one of those boxes.

I arrived mid-afternoon and immediately started scanning the area for a restroom sign.  In order to not be too conspicuous, I meandered around the guys clothing section first.  Then curved around to the backside of the store where I hoped to find an indicator of what direction to head.  No such luck.  Plenty of fitting rooms though (insert no tp joke here: #16).

Image result for fitting room meme

Finally, along the far right side near the home supplies, I found what I came for.  As I walked down the seemly long hall I noticed the door was propped open and had a wet floor sign.  I hit the jackpot...the restroom was just cleaned and I was the first person to gain access!  I shut the hallway door and made my way to the middle stall next to the handicapped stall.  The toilet water was still blue!

On a side note, I did some looking around online and found this restroom rating system on a website called Toliet Inspector that I figured would be a good basis for my next review.  Below is loosely based on their check list.


The first thing I noticed was that it was very clean and there weren't any strange yet familiar odors permeating the air.  The floor had a slight gloss from where they were just cleaned but evaporated quickly as to not get my pants wet.

During my short stay at this establishment, I only had one visitor who stayed all of a minute.  Upon checking out, it was noted the porcelain thrones were automated and the water in the sink was nice and warm.  Even though they had the type of faucet handles that required you to push them down and would only stay on for a short stint before the water stopped flowing, they stayed on long enough for me to thoroughly wash my hands in one shot.

Another plus was that they had paper towels instead of hand blowers.  I understand they're supposedly better for the environment but I personly do not like them (link to article why).  As a father, the icing on the cake was that they had a changing table.  That's a huge plus in my world.

Overall rating: 5 out of 5 rolls - would poop there again.



This was the first place I visited on my quest to find the best public restroom to drop the kids off at the pool.  As mentioned in my previous post, I read a suggestion on Reddit that a lady left saying her husband is on the road a lot and prefers to use this establishment due to the low volume of men that shop there and that the bathrooms tend to be very clean.  I decided to test this theory.

Keep in mind that the Reddit post was from almost a year ago and since then the company has announced they are going out of business.

Before walking in I decided to pretend like I was there to shop all of their drastically reduced merchandise.  Upon entering the store, I could immediately tell that they were going out of business. There were boxes of car seats and toys everywhere and quickly picked up on the more than typical lackadaisical attitude the employees exuded.

After spending a couple minutes looking around I came to the conclusion that nobody would notice and if they did they sure as hell wouldn't care.  I drifted towards the restroom which was located at the front of the store.

Image result for Toys-R-Us meme


The men's restroom had two stalls (one of which was a handicap stall) and a urinal.  Being the upstanding moral citizen I am, I chose the non-handicap stall.  Overall the bathroom had a tinge of grodiness like it hasn't been cleaned very well in awhile but not at the level that you were afraid to touch anything or sit down like you would expect to find using a porta-potty.  So the theory of it being clean due to the lack of use could have been true before the employees knew they were going to be let go however now that is not the case.

The toilet paper was the typical thin commercial type that you would expect to see at any retail establishment.  On the plus side, they did had a full roll of TP which I double checked beforehand.

While in there, a father brought his kid (who was clearly in potty training) into the stall next to me.  It was slightly awkward trying to go while the child pretended to make robot noises and the father discussing proper bathroom etiquette.  Luckily they weren't there long and were the only visitor I had while I occupied the facility.

When it was time to finish up I noticed that the actual toilets were nice and powerful which definitely elevated any fear of clogging.  At this point, no real issues until it was time to wash-up.  That's when I noticed the sinks were broken!  To compensate, they had bottles of hand sanitizer which were adequate but personally not my preferred way to clean my hands (this is why).

After exiting the restroom, I tried sneaking back out the door I came in which had an absence of employees hovering around but it was locked from the inside forcing me to go out the other door past all the employees working the registers.  I casually strolled out the store.  I'm sure no one even knew that I was there just to poop and if they did I'm sure they really didn't care.

Overall, I'd give it 3 out of 5 rolls.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Who, What, Why, & How

This first post is to give my readers some perspective on who I am, what I do, why I created this blog, and how this is going to help them.

As of today, I am 32 years of age and have been living in the Fort Collins area for about two years.  Originally from Florida (Go Noles!), I moved out here with my pregnant wife to raise our child near family and to experience someplace new.

If you're reading this you're probably wondering why I'd even be inclined to write about this topic.  For a living, I do outside sales and on occasion, I am an Uber Driver.  Both jobs require frequent road time which led me to realize that one of my biggest problems was finding places to go when nature calls.  As a guy, going number one can be fairly easy but finding a decent place where I could go number two was a bit more challenging.

I tried downloading different apps, using Google, and even checked Reddit but didn't have much luck.  So after a suggestion from a friend who was the primary recipient of my public restroom Snapchats, I decided to create this blog with hopes of helping other people who have faced the same struggles I have.

Below is my general criteria when selecting a place/store/business in a pinch (pun intended):

  1. Seems like they'd have a clean bathroom
  2. Doesn't look too out of place for me to be there
  3. Predominately female customers
This sounds pretty simple but can be more challenging than it appears.  

Stay tuned as I explore the cities best and worst places to drop the kids off at the pool.